Dear Readers,
From time to time, I receive numerous letters from well wishers and curious people. I really enjoy reading these letters and if a reply is appropriate, I will always sent a return message, if only to say, "I received your letter," and I'll rattle on about something else for a minute or so.

This whole genealogy thing is a very time consuming project and when people sent me a letter, for whatever the reason, I usually spent about 5 or 10 minutes composing a "reply" letter. You will never get a letter from me that has only 10 words or less in it and if you want some vital statistics about someone, I'll send you all that I have about that person and any other thing that I think may be helpful to your quest.

If you're hunting down someone and you think that I have or may have some information, sent me a
letter using a format like this.

Hi Bill,
My name is: ( Your first name only would be enough )
I live in (city or state): ----------------------------------.
I'm searching for information about this person, ----------------------------------:
What can you tell me?

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